(+39) 335 6459361 - Milano (MI) jasonkravmk@gmail.com


Women and Krav Maga

Female self-defense



Are you working at night?

Do you live in the suburbs?

You do not feel safe?

Do you come back to home late?

Are you victim of stalking?


Don't wait to be attacked, to join a group course with 30 people at a time where you'll learn little or nothing!

Book a self-defense lesson in your home in which you can participate in two paying only for one person!

You'll be followed scupulously and you'll learn customized techniques for your physicality and your personal needs


Remember that in order to overcome your physique you will need to equip yourself with a strong determination. If I’ll not see it in your eyes I will not accept to teach you, because we’ll only lose time…
